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As a seasoned Piano Teacher, Kalen is a registered instructor with RCM, boasting over a decade of experience teaching piano, theory, and composition.


With a passion for music that began at the age of five, Kalen has performed in numerous concerts and has won various music competitions throughout her schooling years. Her exceptional talent and dedication were recognized when she was invited to perform at the 60th Anniversary Celebration of the United Nations, where she was awarded the title of Envoy to promote world peace and friendship.


Kalen completed her undergraduate studies at Xinghai Conservatory in Music, studying under the tutelage of Dr. Xiyuan Xiang, pianist Galyna Popova, and Shaofeng Chen. She went on to pursue a Master's degree at the University of Melbourne, under the guidance of Professor Stuart Greenbaum and Dr. Katy Abbott.




17歲時,吳老師被星海音樂學院作曲系錄取,師從相西源博士、鋼琴家Galyna Popova和中國視唱練耳學會副秘書長陳少峰。在她取得榮譽本科學位後,她前往墨爾本大學深造,並獲得碩士學位,師從Stuart Greenbaum教授和Katy Abbott教授。吳老師將她在學術和藝術方面的知識與技巧結合起來,幫助學生們在音樂創作和表演上不斷精進和成長。

Sheet Music for Piano
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